
期刊论文 322


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智能制造 24

人工智能 11

新一代智能制造 10

基本范式 4

交通运输 3

信息技术 3

工业软件 3

新一代人工智能 3

物联网 3

中国制造 2

交通基础设施 2

产业链 2

人–信息–物理系统 2

优化升级 2

多式联运 2

工业互联网 2

新基建 2

智能 2

智能控制 2

展开 ︾


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《中国工程科学》 2002年 第4卷 第7期   页码 46-50


回顾了智能交通系统的起源、框架,在阐述移动aget的优点后,在网络管理、无线通信、交通控 制系统、仿真系统、地理信息系统等方面探讨了移动agent在智能交通系统中的应用。

关键词: 智能交通系统     移动agent     交通控制系统     地理信息系统     agent通信语言     agent迁移协议    

“互联网 +”智能交通发展战略研究


《中国工程科学》 2020年 第22卷 第4期   页码 101-105 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.04.004


“互联网 +”智能交通有利于促进交通设施和运营的数据信息资源互通共享,实现运输组织的方式优化和价值创造,进而全面提升公众交通出行的获得感。为积极应对“互联网 +”智能交通的发展新需求,本文梳理了领域发展现状与面临问题,总结了与多个行业和领域的融合发展趋势,阐述了“互联网 +”智能交通的体系架构。研究提出,依托北斗卫星导航系统、第五代移动通信(5G)等我国具有国际竞争力的新型关键基础设施,坚持交通出行即服务理念,打造泛在、随动、无缝、可信、智能的出行链;重点突破或加强“北斗 + 5G”等自主关键技术的创新融合、具有智能精准控制能力的车联网和智能网联汽车、车联网产业生态、政策保障力度等,更好地促进我国“互联网 +”智能交通的健康发展。

关键词: 互联网 +     智能交通     新基建     车联网     北斗卫星导航系统    



《中国工程科学》 2023年 第25卷 第6期   页码 202-211 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.06.012


深入探讨综合交通工程科技发展的需求目标和共性难题,有助于推动我国综合交通的持续进步。本文从道路交通、轨道交通、水路交通、航空交通、城市综合交通5 个维度梳理了我国交通工程科技的发展现状,总结了由交通系统网联化、交通出行共享化、交通管控智慧化、交通运载运行协同化、交通布局立体化表征的我国综合交通工程科技的未来趋势。研究认为,可在综合交通体系化构建、综合交通数字化基础服务平台、综合交通指挥调度中心、综合交通相关服务等方向实施综合交通工程科技攻关,建议构建综合交通新体系、培育交通出行新模式、形成一体化综合交通网、建设多基综合交通枢纽、实施智能网联立体交通重大工程,以此精准驱动我国综合交通的高质量发展。

关键词: 综合交通;工程科技;智能网联;智慧调度;立体交通    


卢明剑 ,董胜节 ,汤敏 ,王传荣 ,曹林 ,严新平

《中国工程科学》 2023年 第25卷 第3期   页码 53-61 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.03.006


我国海洋运载装备产业发展迅速,已形成先进的总装建造和系统集成配套能力,实现了由技术引进向自主创新的根本 性转变;但长远发展面临的瓶颈问题未能缓解,“两头在外”的产业发展风险依然存在。着眼我国海洋运载装备产业“安全、 绿色、智能、高效”的转型升级需求,本文梳理了国际海洋运载装备产业的发展经验,分析了我国海洋运载装备产业现状并 总结了设备、部件、技术、服务等方面的发展挑战;论证提出了以绿色、智能转型为主线,实现装备高端化、产业规模与效 益协同高质量发展,建设海洋运载装备现代化产业体系的阶段性重点任务,阐述了绿色智能高端装备核心技术研发、高技术 船舶先进关键技术研发、产业链和供应链的安全韧性、产业高质量发展基础能力等主攻发展方向。进一步从保障科技创新投 入、强化自主品牌发展、促进新兴技术融入海洋装备产业等方面提出了产业发展建议,以期为船舶工业转型升级研究提供 参考。

关键词: 海洋运载装备;绿色智能船舶;绿色智能制造;船舶配套技术    



《中国工程科学》 2012年 第14卷 第7期   页码 103-108


分析了物联网(the internet of things,IOT)技术的优势及交通运输行业发展趋势,在此基础上,研究物联网与交通运输领域的结合之处并给出了交通运输物联网定义。针对传统的交通运输智能化发展过程中遇到的诸多问题,提出了未来交通物联网发展模式。通过对比研究证实了信息到功能的信息利用模式的优势,该模式提出基于统一前端信息采集以实现真正的互联互通,它能极大节省技术推广成本、挖掘信息潜在价值,促进可持续的信息服务市场形成和行业升级。

关键词: 物联网     智能交通系统     传感网     交通运输物联网     应用模式    



《中国工程科学》 2020年 第22卷 第6期   页码 10-18 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.06.002


海洋运载装备是建设海洋强国的基础支撑,我国在建设海洋强国、制造强国、交通强国的战略需求下,亟需加快推进海洋运载装备技术创新与产业高质量发展。本文针对我国海洋运载装备技术与产业未来发展问题,研判了世界海洋运载装备在市场、海洋科学研究与资源开发、绿色智能技术方面的发展需求,从船舶与海洋工程高等教育、科学研究、总体设计与总装建造、信息与通信导航、动力与配套机电等方面分析了当前世界海洋运载装备的技术现状与产业格局,总结了世界海洋运载装备的先进前沿技术。研究指出,近期海洋运输装备领域的重点发展方向为极地航行船舶技术、船舶智能制造技术、船舶优化节能技术等5 个方面的突破性关键技术,建议设立智能船舶工程、超级生态环保船舶科技专项、船舶全生命周期运维保障科技专项。本文从顶层设计、政策引导、资金投入、协同创新、人才建设和国际合作等方面提出了促进我国海洋运载装备发展的对策建议,以期为船舶工业主管部门和“产学研用”相关机构前瞻布局技术研究方向提供参考。

关键词: 海洋运载装备     船舶与海洋工程     绿色智能船舶     极地船舶     船舶配套产业    



《中国工程科学》 2001年 第3卷 第8期   页码 64-69



关键词: GPS     汽车导航系统     ITS    

Sustainable urban transportation development in China: A behavioral perspective

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第1期   页码 16-30 doi: 10.1007/s42524-021-0162-4

摘要: The rapid development of economics requires highly efficient and environment-friendly urban transportation systems. Such requirement presents challenges in sustainable urban transportation. The analysis and understanding of transportation-related behaviors provide one approach to dealing with complicated transportation activities. In this study, the management of traffic systems is divided into four levels with a structural and systematic perspective. Then, several special cases from the perspective of behavior, including purchasing behaviors toward new energy vehicles, choice behaviors toward green travel, and behavioral reactions toward transportation demand management policies, are investigated. Several management suggestions are proposed for transportation authorities to improve sustainable traffic management.

关键词: sustainable urban transportation     transportation behaviors    

Future urban transport management

《工程管理前沿(英文)》   页码 534-539 doi: 10.1007/s42524-023-0255-3

摘要: The incorporation of disruptive innovations into the transportation industry will inevitably cause major upheavals in the transportation sector. However, existing research lacks systematic theories and methodologies to represent the underlying characteristics of future urban transport systems. Furthermore, emerging modes in urban mobility have not been sufficiently studied. The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) officially approved the Basic Science Center project titled “Future Urban Transport Management” in 2022. The project members include leading scientists and engineers from Beijing Jiaotong University, Beihang University, and Beijing Transport Institute. Based on a wide range of previous projects by the consortium on urban mobility and sustainable cities, this project will encompass transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary research to explore critical issues affecting future urban traffic management. It aims to develop fundamental theories and methods based on social and technological developments in the near future and explores innovative solutions to implement alongside these emerging developments in urban mobility.

关键词: future urban transport management     travel behavior characteristics     transportation operations     transportation emergency management     transportation decision intelligence    

Special issue: Management of road and railway traffic and transportation engineering

Yongfu SUN, Ziyou GAO

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第4期   页码 385-387 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2017110

Direct energy rebound effect for road transportation in China

《工程管理前沿(英文)》   页码 597-611 doi: 10.1007/s42524-023-0276-y

摘要: The enhancement of energy efficiency stands as the principal avenue for attaining energy conservation and emissions reduction objectives within the realm of road transportation. Nevertheless, it is imperative to acknowledge that these objectives may, in part or in entirety, be offset by the phenomenon known as the energy rebound effect (ERE). To quantify the long-term EREs and short-term EREs specific to China’s road transportation, this study employed panel cointegration and panel error correction models, accounting for asymmetric price effects. The findings reveal the following: The long-term EREs observed in road passenger transportation and road freight transportation range from 13% to 25% and 14% to 48%, respectively; in contrast, the short-term EREs in road passenger transportation and road freight transportation span from 36% to 41% and 3.9% to 32%, respectively. It is noteworthy that the EREs associated with road passenger transportation and road freight transportation represent a partial rebound effect, falling short of reaching the magnitude of a counterproductive backfire effect. This leads to the inference that the upsurge in energy consumption within the road transportation sector cannot be solely attributed to advancements in energy efficiency. Instead, various factors, including income levels, the scale of commodity trade, and industrial structure, exert more substantial facilitating influences. Furthermore, the escalation of fuel prices fails to dampen the demand for energy services, whether in the domain of road passenger transportation or road freight transportation. In light of these conclusions, recommendations are proffered for the formulation of energy efficiency policies pertinent to road transportation.

关键词: road transportation     direct energy rebound effect     asymmetric price effects     panel data model    

Fire hazard in transportation infrastructure: Review, assessment, and mitigation strategies

Venkatesh KODUR, M. Z. NASER

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第1期   页码 46-60 doi: 10.1007/s11709-020-0676-6

摘要: This paper reviews the fire problem in critical transportation infrastructures such as bridges and tunnels. The magnitude of the fire problem is illustrated, and the recent increase in fire problems in bridges and tunnels is highlighted. Recent research undertaken to address fire problems in transportation structures is reviewed, as well as critical factors governing the performance of those structures. Furthermore, key strategies recommended for mitigating fire hazards in bridges and tunnels are presented, and their applicability to practical situations is demonstrated through a practical case study. Furthermore, research needs and emerging trends for enhancing the “state-of-the-art” in this area are discussed.

关键词: fire hazard     bridges     tunnels     fire resistance     mitigation strategies     transportation infrastructure    


王炜, 赵德,华雪东,周伟

《中国工程科学》 2021年 第23卷 第3期   页码 163-172 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.03.020



关键词: 城市交通系统     道路网络     交通分析模型     虚拟交通系统     决策支持模式    

Enhancing the terrain adaptability of a multirobot cooperative transportation system via novel connectors

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第18卷 第3期 doi: 10.1007/s11465-023-0754-2

摘要: Given limited terrain adaptability, most existing multirobot cooperative transportation systems (MRCTSs) mainly work on flat pavements, restricting their outdoor applications. The connectors’ finite deformation capability and the control strategies’ limitations are primarily responsible for this phenomenon. This study proposes a novel MRCTS based on tracked mobile robots (TMRs) to improve terrain adaptability and expand the application scenarios of MRCTSs. In structure design, we develop a novel 6-degree-of-freedom passive adaptive connector to link multiple TMRs and the transported object (the communal payload). In addition, the connector is set with sensors to measure the position and orientation of the robot with respect to the object for feedback control. In the control strategy, we present a virtual leader–physical follower collaborative paradigm. The leader robot is imaginary to describe the movement of the entire system and manage the follower robots. All the TMRs in the system act as follower robots to transport the object cooperatively. Having divided the whole control structure into the leader robot level and the follower robot level, we convert the motion control of the two kinds of robots to trajectory tracking control problems and propose a novel double closed-loop kinematics control framework. Furthermore, a control law satisfying saturation constraints is derived to ensure transportation stability. An adaptive control algorithm processes the wheelbase uncertainty of the TMR. Finally, we develop a prototype of the TMR-based MRCTS for experiments. In the trajectory tracking experiment, the developed MRCTS with the proposed control scheme can converge to the reference trajectory in the presence of initial tracking errors in a finite time. In the outdoor experiment, the proposed MRCTS consisting of four TMRs can successfully transport a payload weighing 60 kg on an uneven road with the single TMR’s maximum load limited to 15 kg. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the structural design and control strategies of the TMR-based MRCTS.

关键词: multirobot system     cooperative transportation     terrain adaptability     trajectory tracking     collaborative paradigm     uneven road    



《中国工程科学》 2012年 第14卷 第3期   页码 83-91



关键词: 物联网     智能交通运输系统     概念与架构     区别与变革     发展重点     发展策略    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作




“互联网 +”智能交通发展战略研究







卢明剑 ,董胜节 ,汤敏 ,王传荣 ,曹林 ,严新平











Sustainable urban transportation development in China: A behavioral perspective


Future urban transport management


Special issue: Management of road and railway traffic and transportation engineering

Yongfu SUN, Ziyou GAO


Direct energy rebound effect for road transportation in China


Fire hazard in transportation infrastructure: Review, assessment, and mitigation strategies

Venkatesh KODUR, M. Z. NASER



王炜, 赵德,华雪东,周伟


Enhancing the terrain adaptability of a multirobot cooperative transportation system via novel connectors



